miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019


I likes smile
I likes listening to music
I likes playing soccer
I likes watching movies
I likes running 
I likes drinking water 
I likes reading books 
I likes eating vegetables
I likes eating
I enjoys sleeping.


I doesn't like playing balleball
I doesn't like playing voleibol 
I doesn't like amburger
I doesn't like videogames
I doesn't like hot days
I doesn't like dancing
I doesn't like meat
I doesn't like drinking coca cola
I doesn't like books 
I doesn't like drinking alcohol.


cesar: hello gil
gil: he! cesar
cesar: how are you?
gil: well thanks, and you? how was it?
cesar: well, more or less
gil: why?
cesar: well Im going bad in school, and how are you going in school?
gil: well hearly good, I think Im going to flunk this parcial
cesar: oh, thats too bad
gil: yeah
cesar and whats your favorite class?
gil: well i like phisical educaction, and you?
cesar: I like chemistry
gil: ohh that's good
cesar: yeah... and do you like doing homework?
gil: well sometimes, I get lazy
cesar: and why
gil: I don't. understand
cesar: good, what do you like about school
gil: I like everything, but I have problems learning
cesar: to ok, and do you like playing baseball
gil: yes
cesar: look, the match is about to stars, les't play
gil: yes, we are going to play! we will speak later.

the rebellion of a young man.

this story is about a young man named luis, he likes to treat his parents, friend and all the people who surround him badly. But one day they told him that they would go to the mountains, but the was upset by the idea and he would only go with the condition that is parents made their backpacks and they like them. one morning, they and he left fort the mountains and whem they? get to it they seemed to play escondidillas with him. it seemed childish and at that moment. he counted to number 50, his parents went to hide and when he, he stopped being counting he looked fot them. but they saw that the minutes passed, he despaired and began to say the redeness that he usually told othere people but today he is regretted and changed his why of being.

My life 25 years.

My name is Gil Manuel de Jesus Nolasco. I see myself in my 25 years of age married to my wife. At 25 years old I am working in one of the military stations of the Mexican Republic.
 I am with my comrades and with my commander to help protect the people of the country and fight crime. What I can do is defend those in the states, what I can not do is fail these people, much less my wife and my family. Then I ask for a vacation to go with my wife to Paris and then go shopping in Europe. I also go to Hawaii to enjoy the beautiful sea, and I can also go with the dolphins back to work, so I can not relax and now I can have children. But, I can not abuse my power against people.

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019


Imagen relacionada

En mi opinión las tics son importantes ya que a través de ellas nos podemos informar sobre algún tema de interés personal o también sobre algún suceso importante que ocurrió en ciertos lugares del país o también en el resto del mundo, así que es importante para muchas personas y también es importante estar informados por cualquier cosa.


Imagen relacionada
La crónica es un testimonio de una persona, en este caso puede ser el autor, en el cual el autor escribe o redacta un texto con información objetiva acerca de algún tema de interés o simplemente sobre algún personaje de la historia, a diferencia de la noticia y el reportaje es que estos dos informan sobre algún tema de importancia o algún suceso importante con información que no se haya comunicado en otras palabras, en fin la noticia y el reportaje constituyen un saber o un conocimiento nuevo.


Mi opinión al respecto de las leyendas analizadas en durante el tercer parcial fueron muy interesantes aunque me hubiera gustado ver más leyendas, más interesantes y con un poco más extensa la variedad de leyendas, así para conocerlas que no conozco en puebla o también podría ser alguna leyendas de las pueblos indígenas de México.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de un cerro


el mito y la leyenda son textos reales o ficticios que se van contando de generación en generación en el cual cuentan como se crearon las cosas o bueno en caso del mito explican los hechos del origen y la creación del hombre  en donde se explica como el hombre buscaba significado a los misterios y en la leyenda aclaran el origen de los elementos inherentes como los ríos, montañas etc. también católicos acerca de las creencias y doctrinas referentes a la vida de ultratumba y algunos motos y leyendas son muy interesantes y es importante leer alguna leyenda o mito para poner a volar nuestra imaginación.